Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Vocab #9

Aficionado: A person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity; an expert or connoisseur.
Browbeat: To intimidate someone into doing something, using abusive words; to bully or force.
Commensurate: In proportion; equivalent or correspondent.
Diaphanous: Light, delicate, and translucent; gossamer.
Emolument: A salary, fee, or profit from employment.
Foray: A sudden attack into enemy territory; a raid; a venture outside one’s usual area.
Genre: A category of artistic composition characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject; a classification.
Homily:  A discourse on or of a moral theme; a sermon or lecture.
Immure: To enclose or confine someone against their will; to imprison.
Insouciant: Showing a lack of concern; nonchalant; indifferent.
Matrix: An environment or material in which something develops; a situation within which something else originates.
Obsequies: Funeral rites or services
Panache: Flamboyant confidence of style or manner; flair or zest.
Persona: The aspect of someone’s character that is perceived by others; a voice or character representing the speaker.
Philippic: A bitter attack or denunciation; criticism.
Prurient: Having an excessive interest in lustful thoughts and desires.
Sacrosanct: Regarded as too valuable to be interfered with; sacred; untouchable.
Systemic: Of or relating to a system, as opposed to a particular part.
Tendentious: Favoring a particular cause or point of view that is controversial or may cause argument.
Vicissitude: A change of prevailing situations or fortune.

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